Gaza On situation | Middle East Japan Society

One of the few safe country in the Middle East! ? Actually I went ...

Gaza On situation | Middle East Japan Society One of the few safe country in the Middle East! ? Actually I went to feel Oman security situation People who go to the bother tourism to Oman from Japan may be less. But, trying to enjoy the nature that is powerful and may have the Middle East of the resort of little name that comes a lot of tourists from the Gulf countries and Europe. That's Oman. World-drum in charge of the famous DJ Avicii and the Rolling Stones, once well as Charlie Watts have visited this land. Achieved rapid modernization, the Middle East resort From now of Oman, for imagination is hard but was taking the extreme seclusion policy until this country is 2.0 years, contact with the outside was little. Until then, infant mortality overwhelmingly high in this area, we had many people who die in nutrition ataxia. But from on behalf of the current Qaboos king, modernization has been recommended rapidly. The capital city of Muscat and the eastern part of Salalah, star resort hotel lined. Speaking resort in the Middle East, some people may think of Dubai.
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