Gaza On situation | Middle East Japan Society

Egypt Suez Canal nationalization, to the Suez Crisis [(Showa ...

Gaza On situation | Middle East Japan Society Egypt Suez Canal nationalization, to the Suez Crisis Date, [the Indian Ocean and the nationalization of the Suez Canal which connects the Mediterranean Sea] and Egypt declared. Repelling the United Kingdom France Israel to this is out of the use of force, was Tsukisusumi to the Suez Crisis. Suez Canal is the full-length km, Europe and Asia as an artificial waterway connecting the shortest, was opened to traffic in a year in France capital initiative. At the time of Egypt took a position of neutrality diplomacy that do not belong to the east and west both camps, had been close to the former Soviet Union. When the United Kingdom, France, which has been hostile to the former Soviet Union withdraw the dam construction plan of Egypt, President Nasser of Egypt declared the nationalization of the canal. Then Israel with the support of the United Kingdom France the two countries invaded Egypt, the battle began. Egypt While Takeshi Counter-Strike, the momentum of the global anti-colonial also attached to the ally, Israel has been forced to withdraw.
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